We Can Dance In Action! Thank You!

If you would like to see the proof of the benefits which your contributions to our charity help to provide then you must see the videos which Katy Atkinson has very generously and cleverly created for us.

We have two versions available depending on how much time you have spare, but you need to be warned! They have been described as heartrending and tearjerking! You may need your tissues!

Go To Videos

New Schools!

Following on from our recent successes in fundraising We Can Dance is excited to announce that we are now able to provide lessons in the following new schools (bringing the total supported schools to 17):

  • The Forest School, Knaresborough

  • Springwater School, Harrogate

  • The Dales School, Northallerton

  • Mowbray School, Bedale

  • The Woodlands Academy , Scarborough

  • Springhead School, Scarborough

  • The Oaks Secondary School, Spennymoor

    Thanks to everyone for their support in attending our functions and helping us to spread the enjoyment of dance.

Map Nov 18.jpeg

Inclusive Dance Training Day 27th July 2018

ONE DAY COURSE in North East of England

Venue:  The Hullabaloo Centre, Hippodrome Theatre, Park Gate, Darlington DL1 1RR

Tutor:  Gemma Coldicott (Quality Assurance Officer,RADiate SEN Programme, Royal Academy of Dance)

Wow the workshop organised by We Can Dance  was a great success! We had 16 participants plus some wonderful helpers from Priory Wood School and the Committee!

Gemma Coldicott ran a fabulous workshop which everyone seemed to enjoy and we hope this will the first of many more. 

The facilities and staff at Hullabaloo were just perfect and we would not hesitate to recommend them to anyone wishing to hold a similar event. 

Ascot Ladies Day 2018

Another fabulous day at the Hardwick Hall Hotel in Stocktonwas enjoyed by approximately 70 guests. Thanks to the hotel we were all able to enjoy the full day’s programme from Ascot via a large screen, commencing with the Royal Parade of course. 

Lucy Hope of Artichoke (Grange Road, Darlington) again supported us with her beautifully arranged flowers in what has become our traditional trade mark at this event – tea cups and saucers. These were given as gifts to one lucky person on each table.

Catherine Hart, milliner, provided the most gorgeous  hats for many of our guests to try on, and hire if wanted, at just £5 for the occasion, with all proceeds kindly donated by Catherine to We Can Dance.

We also celebrated 100 years of the Vote for Women,  Catherine Hartwas dressed 1918's and spoke of the suffrage movement then and Margaret Clark, spoke on the women's movement present day. 

Angela Stevenson again organised us with betting slips and worked so tirelessly to keep us all enthused and then finally announced to a very excited audience, the winner and runners up of the day’s racing.

The day was full of fun with a spectacular raffle draw and a presentation of champagne to the winner of the Best Hat competition.

We must thank everyone for supporting us and we are so pleased to confirm that the final amount of  £2,007 was raised for the charity.

Mark Thorneycroft very kindly took some spectacular photographs of the group with the Hall as a magnificent background


Inclusive Dance Training Day

ONE DAY COURSE in North East of England

Inclusive Dance Training Day

Friday, 27th July, 2018

Venue:  Hippodrome Theatre, Park Gate, Darlington DL1 1RR

The Hullabaloo Centre......entrance in Borough Road

Registration 9.30am

Workshop 10am until 4.30pm

Tutor:  Gemma Caldicott (Quality Assurance Officer,RADiate SEN Programme, Royal Academy of Dance)

General Information

We Can Dance are offering this Course free of charge to local dance teachers (from Leeds to Durham), but it would normally be £80.

There are 2 cafes at the theatre for refreshments.

If you are interested in attending or finding out more about becoming one of our teachers please contact Yvonne Nicholson on 07743681673

Ascot Ladies Day 2018 - Tickets now on Sale!

Tickets are now on sale for the ever popular Ascot Ladies Day

Ascot Ladies’ Day 21 June 2018 is being held in the Coleman  Suite at Hardwick Hall Hotel, Sedgefield, TS21 2EH.

Tickets are £35 per Head which includes reception drink, two course lunch and afternoon refreshments. 

There will be full televised coverage from Royal Ascot - racing cards available and there will be a Pretty Hat Competition and Raffle. 

Please complete the order form for tickets Ascot Order Form 2018.

Contact Barbara on 07805507922 or Elaine on 07809365246 for further information.



NELD Afternoon Tea

We had a great time at NELD's Afternoon Tea held at Acklam Hall yesterday. What a beautiful room it was held in; quite breathtaking! Following our welcome prosecco we had a marvellous and entertaining demonstration by GET AHEAD HATS and were then served a very elegant afternoon tea. Great fun way to raise money for their chosen 2018 charities which are Neoangels, JPC Community Farm and of course We can Dance!

NELD Presentation Evening - January 2018 - Photographs

On Friday 12th January NELD held Their annual Presentation Evening, at Middleton Hall Retirement Village.  The final donations were presented to the 2017 charities and their charities for 2018 were also formally introduced. 

The 2017 charities Butterfly Giving and Family Help Darlington CIO were presented with their final cheques for £9,300.  (Both charities were also presented with a cheque for £1,000 each at the Annual Anniversary Luncheon which represented the money raised by Barclaycard staff running the Tombola)  Barclaycard, as part of their commitment to support local charities, match any funds raised by its colleagues.  This means each charity has also been credited with a further £1,000 directly to their bank account to match the amount raised by the Barclaycard team.

That’s an amazing total of £11,300 each for Butterfly Giving and Family Help Darlington CIO.

Each of the three 2018 charities gave an introductory overview of their charity to the gathering and talked about how they are hoping to spend the funds which they may receive from NELD this year.  The evening was full of fantastic anecdotes, inspiring memories and ambitious goals.  Guests from the event quickly shared how enjoyable they found it.

Attached is a selection of photos from the event which were kindly provided by Lauren McEvoy from Neoangels

NELD Charity for 2018

Great news!

We Can Dance has just been informed that we have been chosen as one of the charities to be supported by NELD in 2018! This is a wonderful opportunity to support our students and we are very grateful to NELD for their consideration. 

North East Ladies Day (NELD) is an annual event where local women meet together in friendship, with the event raising substantial funds to support local charities in the North East of England.


Fun had by all at Après Ski Night

Great news ! Thank you to everyone who attended our Après Ski Evening and helped us to raise the marvellous sum of £1200 which will help us to continue to fund dance lessons in our schools. 
In particular we would also like to thank Lucy from Artichoke for all the beautiful table decorations and Nathan and the Staff at the Croft Hotel for all their hard work in helping us to make the event a success!

Some of the "Après Skiers" on the night!